Daily Aquarius Horoscope February 16 (16/02)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

February 16


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 8/10

An enforced restriction or negative response might be a cause of disappointment or frustration initially but could soon be something youll at least see and accept logic within that underpins it. As much as you might want something your way and feel youre pushing a boulder uphill to make a point, you look set to experience relief at being forced to cease making effort or reassess a strategy. Sometimes, the word no is whats needed to encourage us to go in a better direction.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

You might be aware of how alone you are in terms of tackling or overcoming a certain problem but try to connect with the part of you that wants to resolve it singlehandedly. Youre not being selfish by doing so and involving a loved one or close companion with your quest could delay action that is begging to be taken immediately. If you feel youre being pushed a certain direction, then welcome it. You might not have taken a brave step otherwise.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

This week, try introducing spontaneity where predictability has been allowed to exist for too long. It could be time to show your rebellious side and explore what might be possible by straying from the beaten track, as they say.Change youre keen to introduce needs to be driven by passion, insight, and, above all, faith. Your heart knows why change is necessary. Your mind can see the benefits of introducing it. So, go ahead and let it happen.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Venus arrival in your solar sector of communication and ideas will sweeten negotiations or discussions and this will be helpful as Mars, in the same sector, could cause exchanges to be unintentionally confrontational at times. On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse in your sector of commitments and contracts will boost your optimism about a partnerships future. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th in your earnings sector could mark the start of a new or improved source of income.


health aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Giving yourself the benefit of the doubt is critical if you are indeed seeking to change your health habits for the better. Its hard to change old patterns! Its a day-by-day effort, and real change takes time. If you feel the "one step forward to two steps back" syndrome, lighten up a little bit and focus on the positive. When it comes to health, your basic attitude is what matters most. Keep that in mind.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

You would do good to stay away from processed sugar! You can be easily excited by what you ingest. Sugar and preservatives are among the greatest triggers for you. The planetary alignment dominates the emotional territory at this time and it may be best to stay a respectful distance from all that "winds you up". On the other hand, what releases pent up energy is highly recommended during this transit. Exercise, meditation, sleep - choose your source of relaxation!


health aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

This is a positive and upbeat time, but there could be some stress. Something youre looking forward to could strain your nerves. If you can spend a few minutes meditating and calming yourself each day, youll feel better. Get some rest. Dont work too much. You need to recuperate periodically.


health aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

The Moon is your health planet, so the Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could have an effect on your well-being, especially during the first two weeks of the month. Try to cut down on stress by resolving problems rather than letting them fester, and be quick to contain any fallout in a key relationship. A focus on harmony, positivity, and loving energies can greatly help your state of mind and bring peace to your environment. It would also be a good idea to feed your nerves by taking omega-3 supplements or eating oily fish, as these may stabilize your mood and help you feel great inside and out.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

The current astrological aspect suggests that you will feel like taking up a particular challenge as far as your romantic realm is concerned. You may get an opportunity to take the partnership in a whole new direction that would benefit you both immensely, and also help you to see even more possibilities than you can in your immediate situation. Go for it, and get a boost in your love life!


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

The planetary constellation is encouraging you to look up and out to gain a wider appreciation of what relationships mean to you, and any hidden agendas that may be operating to create problems. The accent is on encouraging the new, and daring to exceed previous limits. It is a time to find a deeper meaning and purpose in your life and connections with others.


love aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

Who do you think about in your quiet moments? Is there someone who dominates your thoughts when you reminisce about the past? The beginning of the week could be an emotional time if you get lost in the past, so try to live in the present as much as possible. Networking is an excellent dating tool over the weekend, especially if you have lots of single friends. Dating someones ex probably isnt ideal, but everyone else is fair game.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Youre relieved when Mercury enters Aquarius on February 7, and your communication style reflects it. There isnt an "off" button for your brain, and youre able to think up more than one quirky scheme to win the person of your dreams. Theres a Leo Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on February 10, which also benefits from Jupiters fortunate effects. You shouldnt rely entirely on luck, but its on your side if and when you need it. Mercury spends time in unclear Pisces, starting on February 25, so getting your signals crossed is likely. Confirm the details of a date twice to make sure youve got them right.


career aquarius daily

Star 8/10

Your best course of action is to stay disciplined. Others will tempt you with short cuts and get-rich-quick schemes. Beware of anything that offers huge rewards fast. These types of deals come with great risk that you are better off avoiding.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Be more conservative with your money. Sometimes your frivolous spending can get a bit out of hand. This is a good day to put your money toward something meaningful - something that will help you. Put it towards an investment or a financial advisor.


career aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

This can be a high-energy time for you, but it will be important to stick with well-established structures. If youve wanted to upgrade any technology that you regularly use, this is a good time to do some research. Your work could bring you to the notice of a superior. Be sure youre doing the best job you can, and dont be thrown by criticism. Avoid making promises you cant keep, especially where time or money is concerned.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

A professional partnership might come to an end, leaving you free to pursue other opportunities after February 10. Take this opportunity to pursue clients and customers who live overseas. People who live in other countries may have a special appreciation for what you have to offer. If youre sent on a business trip, you could greatly expand your profit base after signing an agreement with a successful company. An impressive paycheck could arrive on February 26, courtesy of a powerful Solar Eclipse. Use this money to fund a creative project that is close to your heart, perhaps seed money for a handicraft business.



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