Daily Taurus Horoscope April 30 (30/04)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

April 30


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

Doing nothing and waiting for an improvement to manifest on its own will be a waste of your time and an intense source of frustration. Thats why youre prepared to take the reins and seize control of a situation youve felt you held very little influence with. If somethings to be done properly, then it looks like it will need to be done by you. It might be time to show others how its done too!


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

Wanting something because we believe we deserve it could see us wanting and waiting for a long time and as much as you might believe youre owed in some way now, your reward can only come if youre prepared to knuckle down and bring it more within reach. You might believe youve earned your stripes in some way but are likely to discover more work is needed. This will only make achieving or attaining whatever-it-is more special when it happens.


summary taurus weekly

Star 10/10

A question you might ask yourself this week could be, does it really matter what others think? Coming developments could encourage you to look closely at effort made on your part to gain approval from certain individuals in some way. Too much importance might be placed on how you and something youre doing are seen in the eyes of those whose opinion you take too seriously. Only one persons opinion truly matters. To identify them, simply look in the nearest mirror.


summary taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Was Dorothy relieved to discover she had the ability to return home from Oz any time she chose to by making better use of her ruby slippers? After all she and her cohorts went through, it was clear she had to undergo a learning process before making the discovery. With that in mind, what situation or arrangement are you choosing to remain in because you feel you have no other option? This month, should you discover your prison cell door to be left wide open, dont complain about the draft. You have all you need to put yourself in a more comfortable, stable and position.


health taurus daily

Star 10/10

You sometimes get stuck in your rut. All that focus on \"waiting for the right time\" can bring you to a place of inertia. The astral energy at play makes this a great day to get on your feet again! This is a time for nurturing yourself, not others. Give yourself what you need in terms of diet, exercise and rest. You may feel the impulse to take care of someone else as proof that you are out of your shell - resist and persist!


health taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your heart is most likely where you want it to be today. There are moments in life that we wish we could capture on film: the way you feel good after a healthy meal, the feeling of strength when you complete a great workout, the successful meeting of minds when you share your feelings with those closest to you. These are all magnificent \"daily\" experiences we can have for free, as long as we pay attention to our personal needs.


health taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Avoid mental stress that affects your nervous system. Although you might have a lot on your plate, there\s a better way to take care of it all. Find it for the sake of your health. If your neck and shoulder muscles are tight and your posture cramped, do yourself a favor and unwind. Try a bath with added drops of lavender oil before bed for deeply refreshing sleep.


health taurus monthly

Star 9/10

With the Sun in your spiritual sector until April 19, you might find that you enjoy gentle exercise, such as yoga or other similar disciplines, in preference to more vigorous activities. Any activity that harmonizes mind and body should be very good for you, especially if it helps to promote inner peace and calm. However, with a focus on your sign, it might be more difficult to shed those extra pounds, as comfort food and fatty treats could prove very tempting. And Jupiter in your wellness zone could also enhance the temptation to ignore your diet and enjoy extra treats.


love taurus daily

Star 9/10

Today\s position of the heavenly bodies could be just what you need to create the necessary changes in a certain relationship. You may wonder just how you are going to go through with this, but it is this somewhat defensive attitude that has been stopping you from making progress. Today you will find that you have all the necessary courage and energy to do what needs to be done.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today\s position of the planets means that you may want to postpone an outing or a date. You could be overreacting to a recent event that made you question the motives of your latest love interest, and also your own for becoming involved. If you can talk this through in an adult fashion, you may find you have nothing to worry about. It is certainly worth a try.


love taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Patience is required to play the game of love. You\ve been antsy to see the results of your romantic efforts, but the start of the week isn\t a good time to push it. It\s the little things that matter later in the week, and you can make a good impression on someone new if you show them you have what it takes to make a plan come together. Taking the initiative has many benefits.


love taurus monthly

Star 8/10

The Sun/Jupiter opposition on April 7 gives you a lot to look forward to. If things haven\t been going your way, look for that to change soon. A Sun/Moon trine on April 16 casts a creative vibe on your love life, so try some new tactics and techniques midmonth. And remember, practice makes perfect! You want to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when the Sun and Moon are both in your sign on April 26. Honesty is a good thing, but there are times when tact is appreciated, too. A first date is one of those times.


career taurus daily

Star 9/10

You will continue to be surprised as the events of the day unfold. You can\t expect anything to turn out as you have planned. Put all work and all thoughts about work aside and truly let yourself go with the flow. Be spontaneous.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Even if you are at home right now, you will find yourself applying work principles to the tasks you need to deal with around the house. Don\t be afraid to do so. This will help you make the work go much more smoothly and efficiently.


career taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Do what you can to support your natural preference for structure now. You have a chance to be of service in a more creative way. Share something with others that you truly enjoy. Review plans or find ways to recycle or reuse. It\s also a good time to conquer any workspace clutter. Be generous and give away unused things. The time is ideal for team meetings and cooperative ventures.


career taurus monthly

Star 9/10

The Full Moon on April 10 marks the end of a painful work assignment. You resented taking orders from a pushy client whose bad ideas ruined a promising project. Once this job is complete you should think about becoming a free agent. Being able to pick and choose your assignments will make you feel happier, healthier, and more energetic. The New Moon on April 26 will attract acclaim for your creative talent. Making jewelry, building furniture, baking cakes, or designing clothes could pave the way to a successful business. Use your excellent craftsmanship to turn a profit.



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