Daily Libra Horoscope September 05 (05/09)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

September 05


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 7/10

When we struggle to summon enough courage in some way, we can never really be sure how much more we actually need in order to take the step we know we must take. We often believe we need considerably more courage than is necessary and often discover far less is needed than we thought! Youre about to take a brave step youve been considering taking for some time. Be prepared to discover youll need less courage than you believed was necessary!


summary libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

The boundaries within some situations need to be pushed now. You dont need to stay within the confines of a restrictive situation in ways you might believe you must. You understandably dont want to disrupt whats working or ticking along with no problems but are probably finding yourself drawn to the possibilities that surround taking a risk. Be willing to push the boundary that needs pushing. Doing so will result in you pushing yourself in a way you need to be pushed, too!


summary libra weekly

Star 8/10

Sometimes, we become too close to what we should distance ourselves from briefly. This week, if youre able to distance yourself from a scenario where a stalemate exists with a certain person, then you might achieve a desired result. The key though is to be brave and confident enough to distance yourself and stand back. A situation is changing, and for you to deal with it properly, youre going to have to be able to see it in the most realistic and grounds ways possible.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

If anyone has been in awe of your ability to circulate or network in the past, then their jaws will drop when they see what youre capable of this month. Whether your efforts to connect are for business or pleasure, it could become clear that success isnt always about what you know but who you know! At least one person is intrigued by you and what you can offer in a particular way. If your desire to attract isnt focused on business or friendships but affairs of the heart instead, then this could be a very pleasing and memorable month in that respect, too!


health libra daily

Star 9/10

The position of the planets today strengthens your resolve to get things done. Aim that arrow exactly where you want to go - but don\t let go of the draw too soon. Your aim is assisted by this transit, but your eagerness to see things end well might cause premature judgments. Use your determination and focus to finish tasks that are already started rather than start new ones. Enjoy the satisfaction of doing what is right for your body: exercise and eat well - and drink ample amounts of water.


health libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

The aspect of the day keeps everyone on their toes, as things aren\t so easily communicated at this time. If something is going to fall through the cracks of communication, it is probably going to do so during this transit. You may find something troubling in your friendships or working relationships (as opposed to close one-on-one relationships). Stay the course by focusing on yourself and your own health regimen. Remember, this too will pass!


health libra weekly

Star 7/10

Although you may not need to diet, this would be a good time to take a different approach to your eating habits. You may be doing a lot more cooking. Avoid making too many pies, cakes, and other treats. They may taste divine, but they won\t do much good for your figure. Limit yourself while not entirely going without.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

With a focus on a subtle sector of your chart this month, you might find that one important thing you can do for your health and well-being is to release unwanted emotions. If past experiences or intense feelings are draining your energy, the cosmos encourages you to do whatever it takes to gently unravel them and let them go. You might also find that a spiritual practice like yoga, tai chi, or meditation can give you a feeling of inner balance and centeredness. Such subtle practices can be very important for keeping your physical body in good health, too.


love libra daily

Star 8/10

You often hope for that perfect romantic holiday. However, you are usually so busy doing your own unique thing that you sometimes don\t notice romance until it has already overwhelmed you, and you are absolutely swooning. This is very much where you may find yourself today, already smitten and wondering what just happened. Don\t worry: you\ll eventually come around to it most enthusiastically.


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

This could be a great day for all kinds of activities connected with relationships and artistic talent of any kind. It could be while promoting someone else\s art that love comes rushing toward you - all smiles. You may well feel something special at first sight, and at the very least great warmth and a natural compatibility. Perhaps you were made for each other?


love libra weekly

Star 9/10

Deep conversations about meaningful topics are powerful aphrodisiacs for you at the start of the week, so youre going to want to talk as much as possible on your dates. You just arent likely to connect with anyone who isnt willing to verbally engage. There are a couple different romantic options to choose from over the weekend, and while different, one isnt better than the other. Septemberbe you can have both.


love libra monthly

Star 7/10

A gentle Pisces full moon brings a quiet end to the lunar month on September 6, so getting closure on a past relationship is imminent. Although the breakups exact cause may remain a mystery, its nice not to obsess over it anymore. There is a comfortable balance when the sun visits Libra on September 22, so theres less urgency when it comes to finding romance. You feel very patient while you wait for your true love to arrive. The square between demonstrative Mercury and strong-willed Saturn muddies the dating waters on September 25, and your next step is undecided. Game players belong at the bottom of your priority list.


career libra daily

Star 9/10

People who have been very stubborn and stuck in their ways are reaching out to you for creative advice. Work together. Your different approaches will fuse together magically to create something much greater than the sum of your individual parts.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Be firm with your position. Show people that your will is strong and that you can successfully communicate your ideas to others. You will make more of an impact today than you think. Do things with conviction instead of passivity.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

Under the continued strong influence of the stars, you\ll be likely to state your opinions forcefully. Watch out for costly mistakes though. A slow and careful approach is best. Be careful with your work; take the time to proofread and check your facts. Things will be quieter after Wednesday. You\ll be able to focus on work that needs completion. You may still have a few interruptions, but you\ll generally be productive. Be especially sensitive to other people\s feelings.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A big job will come to an end at the beginning of September, allowing you to take a much-needed vacation. Resist the urge to take on a new assignment as soon as the old one is finished. This leisurely full moon is urging you to take a break. Secret job talks could break down on or around September 20 due to a stressful new moon. A prospective customer who is unwilling to commit to a price point or sign a contract isnt worth your time. Walk away from this proposition. The last thing you want to deal with is someone who continually breaks promises.



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